tisdag 31 augusti 2010

Moshi Moshi Kawaii + New horse


First off, I went to town with mom to buy some dog food at Hund & Kattspecialisten!
Then we went to Bokia (probably one of the most wonderful AND EVIL stores in the universe....) where I bought some Moshi Moshi Kawaii stuff!!!! OwO

Btw, I also got a Moshi-keychain now!! 8D Strawberry Moshi! ^^ (I chose between strawberry, super and dalahorse moshi xD)

I bought some stuff for school too! ^^

(Jörgen in the background! xD )

I guess I'll have to put up some photos of the new horse which will stay here until they return Piggis!
His name is Björksta Delit, and he's really calm and friendly! 8D
He's some kind of russ xD

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