torsdag 28 oktober 2010

Ai sinku....

Hellooooooo fellahs!!

Yesterday night, I went to surprise Mika and Emelie at school (I've been away for 3 weeks, and Mika turned 18 yesterday so I wanted to see them!!)

Though when I came to the front door, my key just couldn't unlock it....
I was like "WTFOMG!!! Dx"

So I had to reach up to our window and knock on it.

I heard Emelie scream. She must've thought I was some kind of stalker or something xD


They then came to rescue me from the cold, dark and rainy night...

I came in the right time, because Mika had just come home from town. She had spent some time with her parents. :3

We then discussed the London trip over a bowl of yummy chocolate pudding and whipped cream! x3

We even managed to make Mika go with us!!!
(It's her on the photo, with whipped cream on her nose... xD )

So now we're almost the whole "team" xD

(Though I wanted Anna to go too D8)

We had a lot of fun.

I've really missed those funny nights after school!

Oh well, I have next week off, then it will be back to normal again! xD

I wonder what classes I will have O_______________o

Maybe English C, or building and repair class?? O___o

I wonder...

Baka-toshi cosplay, because I can!
(not really but........)

I'm pretty much done with my Satoshi-cosplay wig now!!

I know, it's the wrong shade of brown, but it was the only wig I could use, and I'm NOT buying hairdyes for an ugly, stupid wig, so this is all you get folks! xD

And if it looks too horrible, I can always cover it when I wear my giru-hoodie x3


I will wear this on the MiPiFiKi - Cosplay Bowling on tuesday!!!

*so excited!!!!*

Anna is going to be Ryo and I'm going to be Satoshi! :3

Randomness on the way! 8D


I'm gonna kick some ass!! >83

bai for now! (^w^)/)

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