söndag 17 oktober 2010

Work experience - one week left

Hello fellahs! 8D

I've been away for a week because I have work experience.
I still have one more week before I can finaly have my (well deserved) vacation xD

I've been working on a farm with about 160 beef cows!

I've been feeding them, tidying up in the barn, moving some of the cows from one enclosure to another (which took some time .... xD), driving their JBC tractor and Valtra like a crazy person (transporting bales all day xD ), taking dirt samples from the MANY fields (which means hours of walking every day...) and much more...
I wake up around 6am and come home between 4-6pm, depending on how much there is to do. (which is pretty tiring if you're used to sleep to atleast 8:30am xD)

I even got to be in an interview on my first day!!!! O_____o

So I'll soon show up in "Värmlandsbygden" xD

omg I'm so tired... .__________.

Well, I have a lot of fun too!

And I learn a lot of things!

And I'm a waaaaaay better tractor driver now xD

The first week went by so fast.

I both want and don't want the next week to go fast.

I have a project at home I wanna start ( ;D ) and I wanna meet my friends D:
But I'm getting used to this, and I enjoy talking to the owners of the farm...

Oh well.

Maybe, if I'm lucky and work hard, I MIGHT get a summer job? You never know ^^

I have a lot more to learn though!

Bye for now! :3

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