Hey fellahs, Rii's back! :D
I've had a lot of things to do lately, but now I'm back!
It has been a few months since the last time I wrote an entry, so I'll just sum it up for you!
I've graduated from school and now I got a part time job at a zoo! I also searching for new jobs. When I'm not at work I practice for the driver's license exam.
And here's my plan for the future! (or atleast for end of July/ August)
International Dog Show in Ransäter!
I'm going to work at the International Dog Show in Ransäter this weekend! (Well, 28-31 of July)
My friend Mika is going to work there too!
Over 10 000 dogs will participate, (O___o) making it the biggest Dog Show here in Värmland!
Shortly after that (2nd of August) I'm going to Kolmården Zoo with my grandmother and a friend of the family + her kids! :3
It's going to be awesome!
Especially now that I got my dear DSLR camera :3
Next up is NärCon:X!! (Or NC:X for short.) 4-7th of August
It's a HUGE manga/anime/cosplay/game convention in Linköping!
I have a lot of cosplays ready for this convention!! *w*
I'm going to cosplay as Witch Bride, Hunter and Ellis from Left 4 Dead 2, and I'm also going to cosplay as Hatake Kakashi again! (This time I got my dear Iruka by my side ;3)
I got the tickets yesterday!
I can't wait! <3
9th of August I'm heading to Stockholm to see Gackt play live at Fryshuset Arenan!!
I never thought he would come to Sweden! *w*
I'm so excited!! <3
Well that's pretty much it for this time.
I'll try to update this blog more often from now on!
Take care!
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