lördag 21 augusti 2010

ConFusion + Trip to Tokyo!?

Hello fellahs! x3

Next year, in January 28-30th, I'm going with Anna, Lisa and Malin to Gbg for ConFusion!!! It's a con!! (well, DUH? xD )


I't will be my very first con, so I'm so excited!!!

We will live at some school close to the con! :3

I really miss Gbg!!!

I haven't been there this year! D:
I usually go every year, but this year I only drove through it when we went to Denmark! :C
I wanted to go to Liseberg! T___T

Gbg is probably my favourite city EVER!! <3

Oh, and btw...

Do you have any good suggestions for what to cosplay, becouse I haven't got a clue of what to dresss up as! xD

I might go as Satoshi, but then I'll need a better wig..... =___="



Adam and I discussed our trip to Tokyo in spring 2012 today again!

Right now we're a gang of 6 people going there, if everything goes as planned... xD

That's me, Emelie, Mika, Anna, Adam and David! :3

I'm so worried though...

I've never traveled so far before, and I'm worried about the communication problems...
I think we need a guide...

I try to learn some japanese every day, but it's so hard...
And they will probably laugh at me when I try to speak to them... xD


We've been discussing our budget, and how the hell we'll get the money... xD

I mean, we wanna stay for atleast 2 weeks, but that's a long time when you don't have lots of money :C

Adam suggested that we'd sleep in the streets, but NOT after what I've heard and seen...... O_______O"


Oh well, I hope we'll solve this somehow...

(GOD HELP US ALL!! ._________.")

If anyone out there got any tips, PLEASE tell us, because we REALLY need it xD

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