the first time, I went there with mom and my bro, because my brother just started his first year att high school, so we had to drive him. :P
While my brother was at school, mom and I went for some shopping!
Then we went home for about 2 hours.
Then Adam came to our place and shortly after that we went to Karlstad again to go see Vampires Suck! 8D
But it wasn't as funny as I excpected Dx
The only time I laughed kind of hard was when *SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!* Jacob went chasing that damn cat over and over -_______-"
"Well.... CAT!!!! *runs off...*
Look what I've got! ... =w=
Mom found them in Toys R Us today when we were looking for stickers for the bags that we'll sell this weekend! 8D (but we didn't find any... -____-)
I hope Mika and Emelie wanna go watch TS 3 with me this weekend, because I don't wanna watch it alone!! D:
They said they'll maybe go watch Vampires Suck too... T______T
It wasn't really worth the money, but that's my opinion.
They might like it more than I do....
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